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Tuesday, 19 June 2018 10:37

Instructor/Lecturer in Spanish Translation, Reading, and Communication

Harvard Divinity School

Closing date: 1 Jul 2018

Harvard Divinity School seeks to appoint an adjunct instructor/lecturer to teach two courses in Spanish; Advanced Intermediate Spanish for Reading and Translation in Theological and Religious Studies in the fall semester (3rd semester translation) and Spanish Communication Skills for Ministry Studies in the spring semester (2 courses total). The appointment title will depend on the finalist’s qualifications.

Also, the instructor/lecturer may be asked to take on administering the Spanish language qualifying exams three times a year (September/January/April) for additional pay; and/or the instructor/lecturer may be invited to teach the Spanish translation course as part of the Summer Language Program from mid-June to early August each year (for additional pay). All these arrangements are subject to availability and negotiation.

Class meetings during the academic year are preferably on one or two evenings per week during the semester time.

The courses are normally attended by masters and doctoral students of Harvard Divinity School’s masters programs as well as the doctoral Program in Religion. There may also be students from the various member schools of the Boston Theological Institute attending the courses. The courses must be open and accessible to the Divinity School’s diverse and multi-religious student body. The contents of the courses should reflect the diversity and variety of religious studies and theology.

The courses are basically reading and translation practice in selected texts in Spanish related to theological and religious studies. Review of Spanish grammar and syntax as they related to the translations at hand are required, as well as some cultural and language background studies for the students are expected. For the course in Communication skills at the advanced intermediate level, a native/near-native command of the target language is expected.

Applicants should demonstrate the following qualifications: (1) completed advanced degree (PhD or ABD candidates preferred), (2) prior experience teaching at the graduate level, and (3) sensibility to a multi-religious, diverse student body. Publications in the field are desirable, though not required.


Full details and applications:


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