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Wednesday, 20 February 2019 12:01

Professor of Translation and Interpreting studies - University of Graz

The Institute of Translation Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities is seeking to appoint a

Professor (f/m) of Translation and Interpreting studies

(40 hours per week; permanent employment according to the Austrian Law on Salaried Employment (AngG); expected starting date January 1st 2020 )

The successful candidate will be expected to represent the Institute’s Research Focus “Translation, Migration and Minorities”. She/he conducts theoretical and empirical research on translation in the contexts of ethno-cultural diversity, migration and/or social diversity. Her/his research is innovative, internationally visible, and interdisciplinary and explores translation and/or interpreting as historical and/or topical fields of tensions against the background of ideological, political, social and/or cultural barriers. Her/his research projects constitute significant contributions to the development of this Research Focus. In her/his research-based teaching s/he will cover a wide range of translation and interpreting studies topics and will teach courses on the Institute’s bachelor’s and master’s programmes and teach on the Faculty’s doctoral programme. S/he will supervise bachelor’s and master’s as well as doctoral theses in translation and interpreting studies. S/he will assume administrative responsibilities within the Institute and the Faculty.

Requirements for employment

  • Completion of an appropriate university degree at a university in Austria or abroad
  • Habilitation or equivalent qualification in Translation and/or Interpreting Studies or other disciplines related to the described area of research
  • Excellent scientific qualification in research and teaching for the relevant subject (relative to academic age)Internationally visible research activities (publications, conferences)
  • Pertinent work experience abroad after Master's degree
  • Experience with acquisition of third-party funds
  • Management and leadership experience, communication skills and cooperative leadership style
  • Competence and interest in interdisciplinary research, cooperativeness with the Institute's other Research Foci
  • Command of German adequate for leadership and administrative roles associated with the position
  • Gender mainstreaming competence


The candidate is expected to demonstrate his/her educational and didactic skills. Planned date and time of the hearing (“Applicant lectures”): 17 October 2019 to 18 October 2019. 

For more information, visit 


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