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Thursday, 16 May 2019 14:00

Call for 2 postdoc researchers in revolutionary studies and translation

Call for two Postdoctoral Researchers in Revolutionary Studies French Department, King’s College London Applications are invited for two 3-year, full-time Postdoctoral Research Associates to work on the AHRC- funded project, 'Radical Translations: The Transfer of Revolutionary Culture between Britain, France and Italy (1789-1815)'.

'Radical Translations' seeks to understand the role of translation in the circulation of revolutionary texts between Italy, France and Britain and to recover the role of the translator as an active militant seeking to spread radical democratic ideas into new contexts. How did translation enable democratic movements to reach wider publics and cast themselves as part of an international struggle? And how can translation, including an analysis of its misappropriations and failures, be used to understand how cultural politics works in practice?

Scholars specialising in eighteenth-century studies, revolutionary history, the history of translation or a cognate field are encouraged to apply. Knowledge of French required for both posts; Italian for one post. Previous experience or interest in digital humanities is desirable.

The two PDRAs will assist the Project Team in delivering the research outputs of the project. These include:

the creation of a website containing a) a database of c. 400 radical translations b). a prosopography of 50-75 translators working across English, French and Italian c) annotations and contextual data to help identify characteristics of a 'radical' translation; an international conference; an innovative series of translation/performance workshops to test the vitality of radical translation practices in the present-day.

The PDRAs will also develop their own publications based on the findings of the project; co-edit a volume and contribute to an anthology of 'revolutionary classics in translation'.

Please include a CV, 2 letters of reference, a 3000-4000 word writing sample and a 1-2 page account of how your present and future research projects might relate to the theme of 'Radical Translations' and/or make use of the database and tools that the Project Team seeks to develop.

To view the full description and apply online:

Application Deadline: 12 June 2019

Interviews will be held week commencing 24 June 2019

Both positions will begin 1 September 2019

For further queries please contact Dr. Sanja Perovic, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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