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Friday, 29 September 2017 17:04

Lecturer in Translation and Interpreting Studies

Monash University

Faculty of Arts

The Translation and Interpreting Studies program within the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics seeks to fill a three year fixed-term position at Level B (Lecturer), to be taken up from February 2018 by an academic who has a dynamic research and teaching profile and potential for winning grants. We expect candidates to show evidence of a strong interest in interdisciplinary research. Applications from candidates with specialisations in Translation Process Research and/or in Translation Technology are particularly welcome.

You will have experience as a teacher of Translation and Interpreting Studies, who can effectively develop and deliver courses which adopt innovative pedagogies, work-integrated learning, and eLearning.

The successful candidate will be expected to coordinate and teach in the expanding Translation and Interpreting Studies program. You will also undertake research supervision of graduate students, engage in original and innovative research within the School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics and be prepared to collaborate in research, team teaching and curriculum development. The successful applicant is also expected to undertake a share of administrative tasks within the program and/or school.

This role is a full-time position; however, flexible working arrangements may be negotiated.

Closing date: Wednesday 1 November 2017, 11.55pm AEST


For further details and to apply, visit

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