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Wednesday, 07 March 2018 10:33

Assistant Professor of Transcultural Studies (first 3 years at 75%, then 3 years at 100%, no tenure-track)

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of St. Gallen

The appointee will have wide-ranging expertise – in both teaching and research – in transculturalism, understood as a process of negotiation taking place in dynamic contacts and networks between and across cultures. She or he will have a thorough command of methodology in cultural theory and in social sciences and, in addition to investigating the cultural backgrounds of globalised economic, political and social action, will also have research interests in migration and diaspora studies.

Candidates are expected to be able to build bridges from cultural studies to the core disciplines of the University (i.e. Business Administration, Economics, Law and Political Sciences). The languages of instruction are German and English; the University's language of administration is German.

As a precondition for a successful application, candidates must have an excellent doctoral degree and, wherever possible, publications and teaching experience in cross- and trans-cultural practices.

The University actively pursues and implements a policy of diversity and gender equality in all areas of its activities, and expressly invites applicants from all backgrounds.

The post offers a very competitive salary and attractive working conditions. For informal enquiries, please contact Prof. Yvette Sánchez, the Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; phone +41 71 224 2566).

Please submit your application (including cover letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, and three articles) in electronic form, using the job portal of the University of St. Gallen. The deadline for applications is March 23, 2018.

Apply online:

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