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Monday, 28 May 2012 11:12

New Voices in Translation 8 (2012)

IATIS is pleased to announce the online publication of the eighth issue of New Voices in Translation Studies, which marks an unprecedented collaboration with the International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Interpreting (IPCITI): New Voices 8 largely consists of the selected conference proceedings from IPCITI 6, titled "From Reflection to Refraction: new perspectives, new settings and new impacts" and held at the University of Manchester in October 2010. In total, the issue consists of ten articles by young researchers and twelve abstracts of recently submitted Ph.D. theses.

The free, open-access journal is available through the IATIS website

New Voices is a free, open-access journal available through the IATIS website

Phrae Chittiphalangsri, Sue-Ann Harding, Dorothea Martens Editors

Farah Abou Bakr, David Charlston, Elena Davitti, Kyung Hye Kim, Ruselle Meade, Kelly Pasmatzi, Maria Aguilar Solano IPCITI Editors


CONTENTS of New Voices 8 (2012) include:

Regular Papers
"When Skopos Meets Logical Meaning in a Korean Bible Translation: implications of using clause combination as an analytic tool"
Gyung Hee Choi, University of New South Wales, AUSTRALIA

"Contrasting Visual and Verbal Cueing of Space: strategies and devices in the audio description of film" Maija Hirvonen, University of Helsinki, FINLAND

IPCITI 2010 Proceedings
"Creating Personae: the translator's afterword in Japanese translations of teen fiction"
Isabelle Bilodeau, Nagoya University, Nagoya, JAPAN

"Online Paratexts and the Challenges of Translators' Visibility: a case of
women translators of the Quran"
Rim Hassen, University of Cambridge, U.K.

"Found in Translation: Franco-Irish translation relationships in nineteenth-century Ireland"
Michèle Milan, Dublin City University, IRELAND

"Publishing Contemporary Foreign Poetry in Post-War Italy: a Bourdieusian perspective on Mondadori and Scheiwiller"
Mila Milani, University of Manchester, U.K.

"Translating the Greek Civil War: Alexandros Kotzias and the translator's multiple habitus"
Kalliopi Pasmatzi, University of Manchester, U.K.

"Co-constructing Dyadic Sequences in Healthcare Interpreting: a multimodal account"
Sergio Pasquandrea, Università per Stranieri di Perugia, ITALY

"Chasing Ricoeur: in pursuit of the translational paradigm"
Deborah M. Shadd, University of Ottawa, CANADA

"Translating the Author-Function: the (re)narration of Christa Wolf"
Caroline Summers, University of Manchester, U.K.

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