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Wednesday, 03 November 2021 15:29

National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Symposium on Virtual Translation Aesthetics/Ethics Symposium

NRF Symposium on Virtual Translation Aesthetics/Ethics Symposium: “Aesthetics and Ethics of Translation in World Literature: The Task of the Translator”

Inviting you ALL to ZOOM “2021 NRF Task of the Translator Symposium”

Meeting ID: 881 4302 4645
Code: 2021sym

For further info:

NRF Symposium on Virtual Translation Aesthetics/Ethics Symposium Program
Theme: “Aesthetics and Ethics of Translation in World Literature: The Task of the Translator”
November 4, Thursday, 2021. US:
November 5, Friday, 2021. Korea.


EST, USA: 08:00 pm (Nov. 4, Thurs) – 12:20 am (Nov. 5, Fri)
Seoul, KOREA: 09:00 am - 1:20 pm (Nov. 5, Fri)

Virtual Conference Platform

Inviting you to ZOOM “2021 NRF Task of the Translator Symposium”

Title: 2021 NRF Task of the Translator Symposium
Time: 2021-11-5, Fri. Begin: 09:00 am. Seoul, Korea
2021-11-4, Thurs. Begin: 08:00 pm. Seoul, Korea

Zoom Meetings:

Meeting ID: 881 4302 4645
Code: 2021sym

★Dongguk University Trans Media World Literature Institute/Digital Humanities Lab
★English Language and Literature Association of Korea (ELLAK)
★Korea East-West Comparative Literature Association (KEASTWEST)
★International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA)
★Translation Committee of ICLA
★International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS)
★Dankook University College of Foreign Languages Studies
★National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Korea-US Cooperation Program

Greetings: Opening Ceremony
9:00 am - 9:30 am Time in Korea (8:00 pm – 8:30 pm: Time in EST, US)

MC: Prof. Jooseong Kim, Co-PI, NRF Korea-US Cooperation Project, Dankook University, Korea

I. Opening Remarks:
Prof. Youngmin Kim, PI, NRF Korea-US Cooperation Project, Dongguk University, Korea

II. Welcoming Remarks:
 Prof. Yangsoon Kim, President, English Language and Literature Association of Korea (ELLAK), Korea University, Korea
 Prof. Songju Na, President of Korean East West Comparative Literature Association of Korea (KEASTWEST), Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea

II. Congratulatory Remarks:
 Prof. Sandra Bermann, President of International Comparative Literature Association of Korea (ICLA), Princeton University, USA
 Prof. Loredana Polezzi, President of International Association of Translation and Intercultural Studiess (IATIS), Stony Brook University, USA
 Prof. Isabel Gómez, President of Translation Committee of ICLA, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA

9:30-9:35 am: Time in Korea (8:30 pm – 8:35 pm: Time in EST, US)


Session I. “Aesthetics of Translation: Transcultural Mobility and Memory in World Literature and Translation”
9:35-11:00 am: Time in Korea (8:35 pm – 10:00 pm: Time in EST, US)

Chair: Prof. Sandra Bermann, Cotsen Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Comparative Literature, Princeton University, USA; President of International Comparative Literature Association

Keynote Speech 1:
9:35 am - 10:05 am: Time in Korea (8:35 pm – 9:05pm: Time in EST, US)

Prof. Seon Jae An (Brother Anthony), Professor Emeritus, Sogang University; Chair Professor, Dankook University, Korea
“Mobility and Memory: Translating Korean Poetry and Fiction”

Keynote Speech II:
10:05 am - 10:35 am: Time in Korea (9:05 pm – 9:35 pm: Time in EST, US)

Prof. Haun Saussy, University Professor, Departments of Comparative Literature and Department of East Asian Languages & Civilizations, Committee on Social Thought, University of Chicago, USA
“Ethics of Translation When Translation Is an Art”

10:35 am - 10:50 am: Time in Korea (9:35 pm – 9:50 pm: Time in EST, US)

Prof. Youngmin Kim, Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus at Dongguk University, Korea / Jack Ma Chair Professor at Hangzhou Normal U, China

Q & A:
10:50 am - 11:00 am: Time in Korea (9:50 pm – 10:00 pm: Time in EST, US)

11:00 am - 11:10 am: Time in Korea (10:00 pm – 10:10 pm: Time in EST, US)

Session II. “Ethics of Translation in World Literature: Translation in the Era of Anthropocene and Pandemic”
11:10 am - 1:20 pm: Time in Korea (10:10 pm – 12:20 am: Time in EST, US)

Chair: Prof. Youngmin Kim, Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus at Dongguk University, Korea / Jack Ma Chair Professor at Hangzhou Normal U, China

Keynote Speech III:
11:10 am - 11:40 am: Time in Korea (10:10 pm – 10:40 pm: Time in EST, US)

Prof. Loredana Polezzi, Alfonse M. D’Amato Chair in Italian American and Italian Studies at Stony Brook University (USA); Honorary Chair in Translation Studies in the School of Modern Languages, Cardiff University (UK).
“Mobility, Hospitality and the Ethics of Translation”

Keynote Speech IV:
11:40 am - 12:10 pm: Time in Korea (10:40 pm – 11:10 pm: Time in EST, US)

Prof. B. Venkat Mani, Professor of German and World Literature; Race, Ethnicity and Indigeneity Senior Fellow at the Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“‘Marh ma shay:’ Translating Languages of Refuge”

Keynote Speech V:
12:10 pm-12:40 pm: Time in Korea (11:10 pm – 11:40 pm: Time in EST, US)

Prof Isabel Gómez, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Boston; President of Translation Committee of ICLA
“Cannibal Aesthetics: The Ethics of World Literature in Latin American Translation Praxis”

12:40 pm - 1:00 pm: Time in Korea (11:40 am – 12:00 am: Time in EST, US)

Prof. Sandra Bermann, Cotsen Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Comparative Literature, Princeton University, USA; President of International Comparative Literature Association

Q & A: Roundtable
1:00 pm-1:20 pm: Time in Korea (12:00 am – 12:20 am: Time in EST, US)

V. Closing Remarks:
1:20-1:30 pm: Time in Korea (12:20 am –12:30 am: Time in EST, US)

Prof. Sandra Bermann, Princeton University, USA
Prof. Loredana Polezzi, Stony Brook University, USA
Prof. Youngmin Kim, Dongguk University



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