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Edward Clay

The ZHAW session of the Duo Colloquium 2020/2021 has a more industry-oriented focus on the theme Contextuality in Translation and Interpreting. Contextuality can be understood at any level, from the geopolitical to the textual, and embraces both academic and professional considerations of translational and interpreting phenomena. The sub-themes of the Duo Colloquium 2020/2021 concern the context(s) and/or decontextualisation in translation and interpreting theory and practice, embracing both academic and professional considerations of meaning in translation and interpreting from a variety of disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives. The sub-themes of the ZHAW session include the interface of translation and/or interpreting with: • agency and empowerment • corpus and/or text linguistics • domain specificity (e.g. economics, law, science, medicine, religion) • education or training • lexicography or terminology • metaphor and/or phraseology • modality and/or media • (new) professional roles • quality assessment • situated practice(s) • sociotechnical systems • technology

Updated deadline for submissions: 21 May

There are no longer charging fees for participation.

For more information, click here

Transletters. International Journal on Translation and Interpreting is now receiving contributions related to Translation and Interpreting, such as translation studies, translation fields of expertise, specialised languages, documentation, corpus linguistics, localisation, and teaching methods.

Due to the international character of Transletters, all contributions (articles, notes, reviews, reports, interviews) must be written in English or French.

Deadline for submitting papers for the third issue ends on 30th March 2021. 

For more information, click here

This is a full-time research position (36 months) in the project “Watching viewers watch subtitled videos. Audiovisual and linguistic factors in subtitle processing” led by Agnieszka Szarkowska, funded by National Science Centre Poland (NCN).

Our international research team will conduct a series of experiments on the reading of subtitles with eye tracking. Experiments will take place in Poland, the UK and Australia. We will focus on key aspects related to the reception of subtitled videos: visual layer (video), auditory layer (audio), subtitling speed and the language of the subtitles. 

Deadline for applications: 30 April 2021

For more information, click here

Guest edited by Maialen Marin-Lacarta (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) and Chuan Yu (Hong Kong Baptist University)

Call for papers

In parallel with the growing interdisciplinarity of Translation and Interpreting Studies (TIS), and an increasing interest in participant- and process-oriented studies in the field, there has been a burgeoning of innovation in methodologies that transcend disciplinary boundaries. TIS scholars have begun to reflect systematically on research methods, as is evidenced by the publication of dedicated monographs and the inclusion of entries on research methodologies in encyclopaedias and handbooks. With a shifting attention from texts to practices, ethnographic approaches have gained popularity as researchers have felt compelled to enter the field to study the agents, their practices and actual processes of translation and interpreting, and the interactions involving both human and non-human actors. The ethnographic methods that TIS scholars have started to apply include participant observation, fieldnote writing, diaries, interviews and focus groups. The integration of ethnographic approaches as a viable and necessary form of data collection in TIS has been supported by various researchers (Wolf 2002, Buzelin 2007, Sturge 2007, Koskinen 2008, Flynn 2010, Hubscher-Davidson 2011, Tesseur 2014, Olohan and Davitti 2015, Marin-Lacarta and Vargas-Urpi 2019, Yu 2020). At the same time, technological advances have enabled data collection in unconventional forms, and ethnographic studies that incorporate both online and offline fieldwork have become more and more common. Whilst stimulating discussions continue and the literature on ethnography flourishes in the social sciences, there has been little systematic reflection on how ethnography expands TIS scholarship, and the benefits and challenges of applying ethnographic methods. The current special issue invites papers to discuss how TIS has benefited from ethnography conceptually and methodologically, as well as the challenges that occur in the use of ethnography. It aims at expanding current possibilities of data collection, analysis and dissemination.

The guest editors welcome papers that reflect on the intersections between ethnography and translation, and the use of ethnographic methods in TIS. Potential topics include, but are not restricted to the following:

  • Intersections between translation and ethnography at a conceptual level, e.g. ethnography as the translation of cultures, thick description and thick translation, and representations in translation and ethnography.
  • Rethinking ethnography and ethnographic methods through the lens of TIS research.
  • Conducting fieldwork in TIS research, e.g. T&I workplaces and environments, T&I in organisations, multi-sited ethnography, the challenges and possibilities brought up by the field site(s) during the research process.
  • Ethnographic TIS research in the digital age, e.g. conducting digital ethnography, incorporating both online and offline ethnographies, etc.
  • Methodological reflections on the complexities and challenges that arise during fieldwork, especially those from immersive ethnographic experiences.
  • Researcher/ethnographer’s positionality, the relationship with research subjects, and other ethical issues during fieldwork and at the stage of disseminating research results.
  • Achieving social impact through ethnographic TIS research; ethnographic action research in TIS.
  • Teaching ethnographic methodology in TIS research training.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 May 2021

For more information, click here

Special issue on Translation and Money.

Submissions are invited for a special issue of the open-access journal, Translation Matters, published by the Translationality strand of the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS) of Nova University, Lisbon, on the subject of Translation and Money.

We welcome articles dealing with any aspects of the theme such as:

 Theoretical articles exploring issues such translation as a mode of exchange, risk theory applied to translation, complexity thinking applied to translation, etc

 Case studies about the translation of literary, audiovisual, sacred or scientific works on monetary topics

 Technical translation of economic or financial texts  Reflections about the financial questions that affect professional translators and interpreters in their daily lives (such as rates charged in different parts of the world; taxation (including double taxation issues) and pensions; how the translator’s income has been affected by external factors, such as the pandemic, etc)

 The financial management of translation processes inside organizations (clients, suppliers, translation tool vendors, Government agencies, international bodies, NGOs, etc.).

 Historical studies dealing with any of the above from a diachronic perspective

 Money in translation research and training.

Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2021

For more information, click here

Ewha Research Institute of Translation Studies(ERITS, and Korea Legislation Research Institute(KLRI, are joining hands with the National Assembly Library of Korea to co-host 2021 Seoul International Forum on Translation and Interpreting (Seoul IFTI).

Following the first forum held in November 2020 as a webinar which ended as a great success with over 900 pre-registrations, this year’s event will also take place on the web. The theme of the 2021 forum is “Ethics and Professionalism in Translation & Interpreting”.

Ethics and professionalism are critical issues in the practice, training and research of translation and interpreting as they cut across various aspects of the T&I profession including service quality, roles and responsibilities of translators and interpreters, working conditions, rights and advocacy, industry and market practices as well as T&I education and training. Unfortunately, however, there appears to be a relative dearth of academic discussion on these important topics.

The 2021 Seoul IFTI intends to explore ethics and professionalism from diverse perspectives. The event is especially timely and meaningful as the scope of studies on T&I ethics extends to include non-professional translation and interpreting such as crowd-sourced translation and machine translation. The forum will allow key stakeholders, such as practitioners, researchers, trainers and various industry actors to get together to discuss the way forward for the development of T&I and make useful suggestions for language policies on the national level.

The conference will feature Prof. Anthony Pym (University of Melbourne) and Prof. Cornelia Zwischenberger (University of Vienna) as keynote speakers.

We invite contributions from researchers, practitioners, trainers, and students who are interested in topics related to ethics and professionalism in translation and interpreting. Possible topics for consideration include (but are not limited to):

Legal translation and interpreting
Conference interpreting and community interpreting
Non-professional translation and interpreting
Translator and interpreter ethics
Translation and interpreting ethics
T&I education and ethics
Machine translation and post-editing
Translation for publication
T&I best practices and professionalism

Deadline for applications: 5 April 2021

For more information, click here

About University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education of China. UESTC was included as one of the first universities into "Project 211" in 1997, and then the nation's “Project 985” in 2001. In 2017, UESTC was included in Category A of the “World-class University” project. After more than sixty years of development, UESTC now has evolved into a key multidisciplinary university covering all-around programs in electronic disciplines with electronic science and technology as its nucleus, engineering as its major field and a harmonious integration of science, engineering, management, liberal arts and medical science. 

School of Foreign Languages 

Based on the Teaching and Research Office for Foreign Languages founded in 1956, School of Foreign Languages (SFL) was established in 2001. SFL offers a first level master’s degree in Foreign Languages and Literature and a master’s degree in Interpreting and Translation. Under the first level of Foreign Languages and Literature, areas of study include: Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Cognitive Neurolinguistics, Translation, Foreign Literature (including English, French, Japanese and Russian), Comparative Literature and Intercultural Studies, Country and Regional Studies, and other research areas. In addition, we also offer a Master program for a professional degree, i.e., Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI). There are now 107 faculty members and more than 700 students with a 10% annual growth rate.  

Qualifications and Requirements 

Basic requirements: Have good morals and ethics, and abide by academic ethics. Ideally more than two –year teaching and research full-time working experience, able to meet the job requirements. ALL nationalities are eligible. 


  • Possess a PHD degree granted by prestigious overseas universities 
  • He/She has rich teaching and research experience and good academic development potential 
  • Be able to work full time in China.  

Preferential Policies and Treatments 

  • Annual salary: on a case-by-case negotiation round 
  • Settling-in and housing subsidies and reasonable start-up funds will be provided according to different positions. 


  • Personal Curriculum Vitae with the list of academic achievements and representative achievements  
  • A photocopy of the PHD degree certificate, and the current professional and technical position/rank certificate, and award certificate, etc. 
  • Valid all the year round 

Deadline for applications: 31 March 2021

For more information, click here

El Colegio de México, A. C., convoca a las personas interesadas a presentar su solicitud para ocupar una plaza de Profesor-Investigador de tiempo completo, a partir de la categoría A, nivel 1 (sueldo base de $31,107.54 más prestaciones contractuales), en el Centro de Estudios Lingüísticos y Literarios (CELL), en el área de Traducción.

Deadline for applications: 31 May 2021

For more information, click here


You will contribute to the University of Antwerp’s three core tasks: education (40%), research (40%) and services (20%). Your role will also include organisational and managerial aspects.


  • You will provide high-quality education in the field of communication and translation studies and audiovisual translation.
  • Your teaching role will evolve along with the study programmes. Initially, the courses you will teach include :
    • Audiovisual communication (3BA, 3 credits)
    • Translation technology (1055FLWTTA, 3BA, 3 credits)
    • Skills Lab (1180FLWTTA, 3BA, 3 credits)
    • Translator’s Toolbox (2051FLWVER, MA, 6 credits, partim)
    • Video Game Localisation (2079FLWVER, MA, 6 credits, partim)
  • You will play a role in developing activating, student-centred and competence-driven programme components and study programmes.
  • You will supervise students and their Bachelor and Master dissertations.


  • You will advance high-quality scientific research in the domain of language and translation technology, with a focus on audiovisual communication and translation.
  • You will initiate new lines of research and coordinate the progress of scientific research projects. You will also participate in ongoing research programmes.
  • Your research fits the profile and vision of the TricS research group; the valorisation of your research is connected with the Expertisecentrum Toegankelijke Media en Cultuur OPEN.
  • You will acquire and manage national and international research funding.
  • You will publish in international journals and specialist literature.
  • You will develop an international scientific network.
  • You will supervise PhD students and postdoctoral researchers.


  • You will play a role in the provision of both academic services and service to society, within the institution and externally. You will participate in student recruitment, boards and committees, popular science communication, and so on.

Organisation and leadership

  • You will accept coordinating responsibilities in the areas of education, research and/or services and you will contribute to policy.
  • Your leadership style will be motivating and coaching. You will be attentive to your employees’ growth and development processes.

Deadline for applications: 29 March 2021

For more information, click here

The University of Vienna Centre for Translation Studies (ZTW) is looking for an English-speaking post-doc candidate to join the HAITrans (Human and Artificial Intelligence in Translation) research group and take a lead in the group’s “Improving the quality of Translation/Revision/PEMT output by using automatic speech tools” and “Cognitive investigations of collaborative Translation/Revision/PEMT practices involving speech technologies” research themes. The successful candidate will have: a PhD in Translation Studies/Machine Translation/Computational Linguistics; practical experience conducting data-driven research in a machine translation-related area using a variety of technologies, including eye-tracking; experience as translator/reviser/MT post-editor/localiser/terminologist; in-depth knowledge of or experience with a wide range of language technologies, such as: Machine Translation, Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT), Software Localisation, Terminology Extraction and Management, Project Management, Quality Assurance, Quality Assessment, Subtitling tools; experience working with professional linguists who are members of professional organisations; excellent communication and self-management skills, as well as a proactive attitude regarding using technologies to address genuine professional translator challenges. The candidate will have access to the brand-new HAITrans eye-tracking lab, as well as the UniVie computing facilities, and will contribute to the research, teaching and administrative activities of the ZTW under the supervision of the HAITrans research group leader Univ.-Prof. Dragoș Ciobanu, PhD.

Deadline for applications: 21 March 2021

For more information, click here

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