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Edward Clay

Exil: Trans is an international research group launched in 2019 by the Universities of Lausanne, Germersheim and Vienna, which studies the work and biographies of translators forced into exile by the Nazi regime. The conference will be focusing on the networks that made it possible for translators to continue their work in exile and will aim to emphasize how the act of translating takes place within a broader context.

We welcome all contributions examining the roles of cultural, academic and political institutions, of publishing houses and periodicals, and of specific individuals as mediators and companions for translators in exile at the time of the National Socialist regime.

Deadline for submissions: 20 March 2021

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Translation and Accessibility for All in the Creative Industries - Digital Spaces and Cultural Contexts (edited by Alessandra Rizzo)

'The scope of this special issue is to investigate the latest increasing interest in the accessibility of the culturaland creative industries (henceforth CCI) in contemporary societies by means of translation and interpreting activities. In the last decades, such attention has proven to be pivotal to the functioning and survival of the arts and cultures among larger societies and/or smaller ethniccommunities, especially in the recent periodofthe Covid-19 pandemic. A vast promotion of physical and virtual cultural events, e.g., festivals, film screenings,onlineand face-to-face artistic tours, etc., is revealing how such enthusiasm is crucial to the growth and development of the accessibility of (audio)visual and artistic forms across the boundaries of national and international projects and associations (e.g., Sole Luna Doc Festival, MeMADin this issue)within political frameworks that supportcultural mushrooming. Against this backdrop, therole of translationin a wide-ranging perspectivehas become significantly revolutionary and collaborative, and also socially constructed,thus encouragingtheactivation ofintercultural and interlingual, as well as transnational and transcultural networks that govern the CCI. These networksinclude the spheresof the visual and performing arts (i.e., theatre, opera, dance, museums, galleries, and installations, drawing, sculpture, etc.) and of audiovisual products (i.e., TV, cinema, documentary film festivals, etc.).'

Since the publication of Mason’s Dialogue Interpreting (1999), DI research has come to cover many types of real-life interpreter-mediated encounters in public and private settings, including some that would hardly fall within Public Service Interpreting (PSI), such as talk shows and business negotiations. For almost 20 years, particular attention has been paid to the development of rigorous research methods in DI/PSI, increasingly based on empirical data, be they recordings of interaction, interviews or questionnaires. Reflection on appropriate research design focuses on either general characteristics of DI/PSI (Monzó-Nebot/Wallace 2020), or on those occurring in specific settings (Biel et al. 2019), such as legal, healthcare, including mental health, immigration and asylum. Researchers explore a wide range of topics, from specific contexts and cognitive processes at work, to particular phenomena, such as manifestations of affiliation between the care provider and the interpreter (Ticca/Traverso 2017), or the influence of the interpreter on interpersonal relationships (Goguikian Ratcliff/Pereira 2019). There is also a strong interest in face-to-face vs. remote interpreting and on spoken vs. signed languages, as well as on systematic data collection and transcription for fine-grained analysis and international dissemination (e.g. Meyer 2019). DI/PSI scholars can now count on increasingly larger sets of authentic data in different professional settings and language combinations. Some of them use multimodal analysis (Davitti/Pasquandrea 2017) or triangulate theories, data sets and analytical tools (Aguilar Solano 2020) to get a broader and richer picture of the phenomenon under investigation and increase the trustworthiness of the results. In short, the reflection on research methodology in DI/PSI is dynamic and innovative (Valero-Garcés 2020), with an increasing impact on interpreters’ and service providers’ training (Cirillo/Niemants 2017).

Against this backdrop, Issue 26 of The Interpreters’ Newsletter sets out to explore some specific DI/PSI contexts and phenomena through specific analytical lenses. It welcomes innovative contributions either in types of data or settings/communicative situations, or in the methods (or combinations of methods) of analysis proposed, or in their applications to both personnel training and academic teaching and learning. Contributors are thus invited to feed the discussion on various innovative methodological approaches which, from an inter/transdisciplinary perspective and on the basis of authentic data, can shed light on practices and phenomena that have so far received scant attention in the DI/PSI literature, and/or which have never reached the classroom yet.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following areas related to DI:

 Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods

 Multimodal analysis

 Transcription and Query tools

 Authentic data access, interoperability and sharing

 Specific communicative contexts and phenomena

 Training applications

 Intercultural communication

Deadline for submissions; 15 March 2021

For more information, click here

The Department of Applied Linguistics / Translation and Interpreting in the Faculty of Arts has the following part-time (80%) vacancy:

Senior academic staff in the field of Translation Studies


You will contribute to the University of Antwerp’s three core tasks: education (40%), research (40%) and services (20%). Your role will also include organisational and managerial aspects.


  • You will provide high-quality education in the field of communication and translation studies and audiovisual translation.
  • Your teaching role will evolve along with the study programmes. Initially, the courses you will teach include :
    • Audiovisual communication (3BA, 3 credits)
    • Translation technology (1055FLWTTA, 3BA, 3 credits)
    • Skills Lab (1180FLWTTA, 3BA, 3 credits)
    • Translator’s Toolbox (2051FLWVER, MA, 6 credits, partim)
    • Video Game Localisation (2079FLWVER, MA, 6 credits, partim)
  • You will play a role in developing activating, student-centred and competence-driven programme components and study programmes.
  • You will supervise students and their Bachelor and Master dissertations.

Deadline for applications: March 29 2021

For more information, click here

The “International Working Group on Non-Dominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages” (WGNDV) is delighted to organise the "9th international conference on Pluricentric Languages and their Non-Dominant Varieties". This conference will be hosted by the Austrian German Association (Graz, Austria).  In the light of health concerns and the restrictions in international travelling due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will have to be held online.

This conference builds on the results of previous eight conferences and workshops held in Graz (2011), Salamanca (2012), Guilford (2014), Graz (2015), Münster (2017), Nitra (2018), Graz (2019) and Stockholm (2019) as can be seen in the eight published volumes (see website), explored the field, defined the scientific terminology associated with the descriptions of pluricentricity, described the current situation of non-dominant standards in languages of four continents and discussed sociological, educational and cultural implications of managing language standard systems.
The main objective of the 9th WGNDV-conference is to further deepen the already available knowledge about pluricentric languages and to welcome scholars from all over the world to provide an insight into the linguistic situation and the specific characteristics of as many pluricentric languages and their varieties as possible.

Deadline for submissions: June 15 2021

For more information, click here

Editor-in-chief: Aleksandra Matulewska

Guest editor: Anne Wagner & Aleksandra Matulewska

Co-editor: Paula Trzaskawka

'Our rationale skillfully critiques the interdisciplinary fields of culture, law and legal translation with the help of well-established researchers. This work brings together innovative research themes in order to unveil topics that are still under explora tion internationally, but whose complementarities seem highly necessary to discuss the idea of The Evil Twins and their Silent Otherness in Law and Legal Translation. Our research fields cover the foundation of law meaning and law making in legal translation providing an even more solid bedrock when it comes to analyzing specific spaces and their translation issues, either in China or within the Court of Justice of the European Union.'

For more information, click here

The publication of the latest JoSTrans thematic issue is always something to be celebrated. But to do so at the close of one of the most difficult years many of us will have known, represents all the more significant an achievement. 2020 has been a year of unprecedented challenge, but it has also been a year in which we have witnessed the emergence of new ways of working and new ways of thinking, and this is evident in the fresh and forward-looking content we commit to you in this latest round of publications.

This thematic issue, edited by Francis Mus and Sarah Neelsen, and entitled ‘Translation and plurisemiotic practices’ is both a salient appraisal of what has come before, but also an important glimpse into the future of the field. In these times of unprecedented difficulty, the production of this special issue is testament to the continued commitment of colleagues to the field.

Together with detailed introductions from editors Francis Mus and Sarah Neelsen, this issue engages with translation in its widest understanding, and across eight articles includes contributions on translation and its multiple connections with art and visual culture, performance art, and live performance in its various forms. Articles from Yves Gambier, Saulė Juzelėnienė and Saulé Petroniené, and from Ayelet Kohn and Rachel Weissbrod, investigate translational manifestations in visual culture, with case studies of mural painting and modern art respectively, while articles by Kerstin Hausbei and Vanessa Montesi consider translation and its relationship with adaptation. Hausbei explores the movement from Viennese popular theatre to mimodrama, and Vanessa Montesi investigates the translation of a sixteenth-century painting into modern day performance art. The remainder of the issue’s contributions coalesce around the question of live performance. Lucile Desblache considers the relationship between translation and live music on stage, while Nina Reviers, Hanne Roofthooft, and Aline Remael address the role of audio introductions in the context of contemporary stage performance, and Thora Tenbrink and Kate Lawrence examine translation processes at work in a multimodal stage adaptation of children’s drawings. A final contribution from Hao Lin sheds important light on the plurisemiotic practice of signed Chinese poetry.

The issue concludes with seven book reviews, and two interviews, one with Lucile Desblache and the other with Julie Chateauvert

For more information, click here

Given the success of the previous conferences, the 12th edition of the conference aims to continue the exchange of ideas on the impact of new technologies on communication, to highlight the evolution of humanities and social sciences in conjunction with technological innovation, and to identify (new) trends in the language industry in the post web 2.0 era. PCTS12 will be hosted online on Zoom.

Conference tracks: Communication and public relations; Linguistics; Translation studies; Foreign language teaching

Conference format

• Types of presentation: talk (20 minutes), workshop (60 minutes), panel discussion (2 hrs.)

• Working languages: Romanian, English, French, or German

Publication: Selected papers will be published in the volume Professional Communication and Translation Studies (open access, peer-reviewed, indexed by CEEOL, EBSCO – Communication and mass media complete, Index Copernicus, Google Scholar, MLA, ULRICH'S, Scipio and WorldCat) or in the Scientific Bulletin of Politehnica University of Timisoara, Transactions on Modern Languages (open access, peer-reviewed, indexed by CEEOL, EBSCO, ERIHPLUS, Europeana, Google Scholar, MLA, ULRICH'S and WorldCat). 

Deadline for submissions: 1 March 2021

For more information, click here

The AALITRA Review is an peer-reviewed online journal published by The Australian Association for Literary Translation (AALITRA), which was launched in March 2010. The editor is Lintao Qi. 

The AALITRA Review aims to publish high quality material concerned with literary translation, as well as translations of literary texts from other languages into English, or vice versa. It hopes to foster a community of literary translators and to be a forum for lively debate concerning issues related to the translation of literary texts.

We welcome submissions in the following areas:

  • scholarly articles on aspects of literary translation (both fictional and non-fictional, practical and theoretical)
  • interviews with established translators or Translation Studies scholars on aspects of their work
  • book reviews of major Translation Studies publications
  • book reviews of literary translations into English, or of Australian writing into other languages
  • original translations into English of literary texts (with a preference for poetry and prose) accompanied by a critical introduction and commentary by the translator
  • original translations of Australian literary texts into LOTE accompanied by a critical introduction and commentary by the translator  

Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2021

For more information, click here

This book presents a thoughtful and thorough account of diverse studies on Chinese translation and interpreting (TI). It introduces readers to a plurality of scholarly voices focusing on different aspects of Chinese TI from an interdisciplinary and international perspective.    

The book brings together eighteen essays by scholars at different stages of their careers with different relationships to translation and interpreting studies. Readers will approach Chinese TI studies from different standpoints, namely socio-historical, literary, policy-related, interpreting, and contemporary translation practice.

Given its focus, the book benefits researchers and students who are interested in a global scholarly approach to Chinese TI. The book offers a unique window on topical issues in Chinese TI theory and practice.

It is hoped that this book encourages a multilateral, dynamic, and international approach in a scholarly discussion where, more often than not, approaches tend to get dichotomized. This book aims at bringing together international leading scholars with the same passion, that is delving into the theoretical and practical aspects of Chinese TI.  

For more information, click here

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